Reading - Writing - Math - SocialAssistance at all levels ... you name it, we can help with it. If the latest progress report or report card has you cringing...give us a call. If you are watching your young one struggle in academic or social us. If your child is nervous, has test or performance anxiety, or HATES doing homework...give us a call. There is help! Let us help you make school and home easier.
​Learning Foundations ProgramIs your primary school (K-3rd grade) student having trouble with reading? Are they struggling over each word, often not able to recognize the same word they just read the line before? Learning Foundations is a 15-18 hour program designed for young learners who have not yet experienced the emotional struggles common with “falling behind” but are on the way there, gauged by their performance, test scores, and other characteristics. This program is designed for students aged 5 to 8.
Could it be Dyslexia? Dyslexia is often "hidden" in older students. Students who have always "gotten by" by working hard often have a hidden form of dyslexia - they can read, but often must re-read over and over to comprehend. They can write but often struggle to get their thoughts down on the page and may struggle with spelling.
Often the difficulty in understanding subject matter stems from an underlying confusion in the area of reading comprehension or difficulty differentiating and determining the sequence of importance in the area of study. |
Reading Proficiency Program for ages 9+
Study Skills - Organization - Executive Functioning SkillsWith or without a diagnosis of ADHD, many young people struggle managing all the information that is presented and organizing it in a meaningful way. Many feel as though they do not know how to study and how to understand or prioritize what is important to learn. Often this spills over into life, or rather life spills into the locker! When you can not keep your locker/backpack/desk in order, it generally is a symptom of overall difficulty in executive functioning issues. There is help!
Focused Attention Program for ages 9+